Canada is Proclaimed a Sovereign Republic: Crown authority is nullified, Common Law established as supreme authority
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The Proclamation establishing Kanata
nearly two years of preparation, a new nation emerged today as the
Republic of Kanata was publicly proclaimed in dozens of Canadian
Amherst, Nova Scotia to Port Alberni on Canada’s west coast, Republican
organizers occupied town halls and court houses to proclaim Kanata.
Proclamation of Independence and three accompanying Acts were read that
have nullified ties with the British crown, established the Republic,
and created a High Court of Justice to enact common law courts across
corporation called Canada is null and void. As of today, the only
lawful authority here is the Republic and its common law” said a
representative of the Provisional Council for the Republic in Winnipeg
this morning.
one thousand citizens of the new Republic are now actively establishing
common law courts in every region and preparing delegations to the
first General Congress of the new nation, to be held in Winnipeg from
June 30 – July 3, 2015.
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Henryku, jak mogę się z tobą skontaktować, jestem internetowym malkontentem, a zgodnie z sugestiami twoich rzekomych przeciwników, próbuję zalogować na twym forum, niestety zablokowałeś dostęp z obawy przed synagogą szatana. Proszę odpowiedz mi.
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